Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dogs That Are Hypoallergenic To Humans

Caring for Dogs that are Hypoallergenic for Humans

by: Sylvia Einwechter from

Hypoallergenic dog breeds have special needs because they are usually smaller in size and
have temperaments that may be difficult to handle sometimes. When you first bring your new dog home, you should allow it to roam around to get an idea of its surroundings. If you have other pets, you should put them in another room while the dog is investigating the area. Depending on the breed of dog, they may be very scared at first. They may not want much human contact, so you should be careful about handling them too much during the first few days they are in your home.
Once you new dog becomes comfortable, you should develop a feeding and hair brushing
routine that you and your dog will follow. If you have allergies, brushing your dog every day will
reduce the amount of allergens in the air. This will reduce the allergens on your carpets, furniture, clothing, and walls. Buy a steel comb with wide teeth that will help trap hair and get out any knots that may be in the dog’s fur. If you purchased a Mexican hairless or other breed that does not have hair, you should make sure that its skin is not dry. If you notice flaking, you should visit your vet who will prescribe medication or lotion that you can use.
Making sure your hypoallergenic dog gets plenty of exercise is important for their health and also for controlling allergens in your home. Walking your dog at least once a day and making sure it sleeps through the night will keep the dog on a routine. Dogs that are awake at night time may
want to be with you. Allowing your dog to sleep on your bed could increase your risk of an allergy attack.
Your dog should have a designated place to sleep during the night and during the day. Buying a
soft bed or giving the dog an old blanket will help keep them warm and safe when they are
sleeping. You should wash their pet bed often to prevent allergens from being transferred to
carpeting or clothing. While you cannot prevent all allergens from getting into your clothing and
inside your carpeting, you can reduce them by keeping everything in your home clean.
Dog grooming is also important when caring for a hypoallergenic dog. Even though the breed
that you buy will probably have short hair, you will have to have it professionally groomed every few months to maintain the shape and also to keep the hair from becoming too long. Since hair
can grow long and cover the dog’s eyes, and make it difficult for the dog to keep itself clean,
grooming your dog will ensure that it remains healthy and happy.
Now that you know more about caring for a hypoallergenic dog, you should remember that just
because these dogs are considered a good choice for those with allergies, these dogs may still
cause you to have allergy attacks from time to time. Hypoallergenic dogs reduce the risk of
attacks, but cannot prevent them from occurring.

Differences between Non-Hypoallergenic Dogs and Hypoallergenic Dogs

Even though the differences between non-hypoallergenic dogs and hypoallergenic dogs may not be huge, they are enough to reduce the amount of allergy attacks that people have when they are around certain breeds of dog. For those who want to own a dog, not being able to be in the same room with one for long periods of time, can be frustrating. Buying a hypoallergenic dog may be the only way they can have a dog in their home. While they may still experience allergy attacks, these attacks will be less frequent.
Non-hypoallergenic dogs tend to shed a lot. Their fur can be loose and dense, which means that it may contain a lot of dander as well. Dander is a collection of skin cells, dust, and other particles found in the air. As the dog sheds, these particles float around in the air and cause people to have allergy attacks. These dogs may also have an undercoat, which is a thick coat that protects them from harsh temperatures. This undercoat is what causes the dog to shed frequently. It can also trap dander and other allergens.
Some non-hypoallergenic dog breeds may also salivate more often than other breeds, which can also cause a person’s allergies to increase. Saliva contains bacteria that people are oftentimes allergic to. While these dogs cannot control the amount of saliva they expel, people who are allergic to dogs have a difficult time when these dogs are present. People with dog allergies may also be allergic to dog urine as it too can contain certain kinds of bacteria.
Hypoallergenic dogs have shorter coats. Some breeds do not have an undercoat. While this makes them unprepared for cold weather, they are perfect for those who have allergies. The hair on these dogs is more like human hair, which means it will not shed as frequently as non-hypoallergenic dogs. The hair will need to be trimmed every few weeks in order to prevent it from growing too long. Some hypoallergenic breeds do not have hair at all. They are considered hairless even if they have some hair on their paws and head.
Hypoallergenic dogs do not salivate as much as other breeds. This helps those who are allergic. This means that when the dog cleans itself, it will not leave as much bacteria behind. Urine from hypoallergenic dogs does not affect as many people either.
When looking for a hypoallergenic dog, you should research the following breeds to see if you are interested in any of them: Maltese, Terriers, Schnauzer, Bishon Frise, Portuguese Water Dog, Greyhounds, and Irish Water Spaniel. There are other breeds, but these are some of the more popular ones that people want to buy. This also means that you will have fewer problems finding a breeder in your area.
Learn as much as you can about grooming, brushing, and caring for your hypoallergenic dog. Most breeds are very friendly and will live to be at least twelve years of age. These dogs enjoy companionship and exercise.

About The Author: Sylvia Einwechter owns for a wide variety of high quality pet products and pet supplies.If you own a website or blog get free marketing information at