Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pet Tips from the Humane Society

Here are some pet tips from the Humane Society's Offical Calendar!
Brought to you by: Pet Store

Always prepare ahead of time in case of emergency and have a First Aid Kit ready for your pet. Include medication, water, food and my tip, extra blankets.

If you are thinking of adopting a pet or know someone who is, visit for all the information you will need.

For shelter-related questions and to get the latest shelter news visit:

Don't forget your cat on his birthday or during the holidays. Cats can appreciate a new toy or special meal treat just as much as their human counterparts.

Don't support puppy mills!! For more information on how to help the Humane Society to shut down this cruel industry, visit

Never hit your cat because he may eventually learn to fear you. Instead, try using a spray of water or loud noise or puff of air to discourage unwanted behavoir. You must be consistent in you actions.

Make sure that both your cat and his carrier have proper identification. Never fly your cat or dog in the cargo hold of a plane.

Don't forget the importance of spaying or neutering your pet: Spayed/neutered pets live longer, healthier lives; are calmer, and it reduces pet overpopulation.

Choclate and other candies can be toxic to your pet.

Cats love to play with tinfoil balls and toy mice. Encourage them to retrieve the thrown object. This excerise also keeps their weight down.

Many common plants and flowers are poisionous to cats and dogs. Visit to find out which plants are toxic and which plants are safe to keep around your pets.

If you need any supplies for your pets please visit my website for the best pet products and pet supplies.