Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dog or Cat Gift Baskets

Dog Gift Baskets

    Ever wonder what a unique gift for someone who owns a pet might be? One of the nicest and most welcome items you can give to a friend who has just adopted a new puppy is dog gift baskets. Not only does this provide all the essentials they’ll need to begin caring for their furry friend, but it also shows how happy you are for them as they take this new step in their lives.
   You can purchase these already made or if you are imaginative and have a creative flair, you can put dog gift baskets together yourself. If you know the breed of the dog this is incredibly helpful as it allows you the opportunity to purchase items for the dog gift baskets that will fit both the personality and physical size of the dog it’s intended for.
   One quick trip to any local pet store will yield literally hundreds of different items that can all go into dog gift baskets. Obviously you are going to want to limit it to just a few choice items. First decide on the size of the dog gift baskets you want to give. This will help you determine just what you can fit into the basket. If you are going for a larger gift, consider a big wicker basket filled with several chewable toys, a bone or two and maybe even a personalized food dish for the puppy.
   If your budget isn’t that large consider making a smaller version of this unique gift. You can still fill a smaller basket with many useful items that a dog owner, along with a dog will enjoy. A few ideas for things to put in small dog gift baskets are a new collar and leash, a stuffed animal for the dog to sleep with and some puppy vitamins. All of these things will be put to great use.
   The dog owner will no doubt love this unusual offering, so why not place something in there just for them?      Almost every pet store has an aisle devoted strictly to information for dog owners. Here you are likely to find small booklets that contain information on each individual breed of dogs. You will also find pamphlets or books that offer suggestions on training a new dog. When added to dog gift baskets, these small books give the dog owner some much needed information.
   Of course there are many other ideas for things to add to this type of gift. One is a coupon for obedience training while another is a pass to visit the local dog show. Some booties or a doggie coat also fit in dog gift baskets well. Just remember that your gift is going to go to great use and it’s going to make both the dog and their owner very happy.

by: Sylvia Einwechter

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